Webinar und vor Ort
Shaping the patient RT experience: Rehumanizing patient care in a post pandemic world
We are pleased to invite you to our second RTT Symposium at Kantonsspital Winterthur. We look forward to coming together again and continuing to learn from each other and fellow colleagues in the Radiation Oncology Team.
The events of the last 4-5 years have greatly impacted health care and how we are able to care for our patients. For this symposium, we aim for an open, inclusive and participatory discussion on how we can improve the patient experience in our RTT departments, after such a challenging time. For this reason, we landed on the following theme:
Shaping the patient RT experience: Rehumanizing patient care in a post pandemic world
In addition to the presentations and discussions in the morning (on-site and online), a practical session will be available for only in person attendees in the afternoon. We hope that we have sparked your interest, and we look forward to seeing you next February in Kantonsspital Winterthur.
Alexandra Brunner
Clinic for Radio-Oncology
Assistant Clinic Management
Joana Gomes
Clinic for Radio-Oncology
Lead Radiation Therapist
Audrey Hendricks
Clinic for Radio-Oncology
Deputy Lead Radiation Therapist
Kantonsspital Winterthur
Brauerstrasse 15
8400 Winterthur
Please note our visiting regulations when attending on site.
Aula U1 and online
Our courses are generally recognized (usually 1 credit per hour, corresponding confirmations are available or will be sent by e-mail in the case of online participation).
Please register for the event using the following form. You will receive the participation link for the webinar by e-mail. The number of places on site is limited.
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