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August 2024
bis 24. August 2024

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14th Masterclass: Challenges in Robotic Renal Urology

An interactive course where a limited number of attendees can hone their robotic surgical skills during live case observations and theoretical sessions enhanced by video material. Join the international faculty in discussing surgical techniques, treatment of complex cases and troubleshooting.


Friday, 23th August 2024

Parallel live case observations
In two adjoining OR’s allowing free movement between robotic cases. The robotic program includes a widescreen 3D monitors and a beamer projection for enhanced viewing in the auditorium.

08.00 – 12.00
Live case observations
Robotic kidney surgeries

12.00 – 13.00

13.00 – 17.00
Live case observations – continued
All operations are dependet upon patient availability.

Social event and dinner

Saturday, 24th August 2024

Theoretical sessions with additional video material
Participants are encouraged to bring their own video materials for discussion. All sessions are intentionally informal due to the select number of attendees. Questions and free discussions are encouraged at all times.

09.00 – 09.10
Patient follow up

09.10 – 09.50
Robot-assisted retroperitoneal approach:

  • Tipps and Tricks
  • Patient selection

Georg Schön

09.50 – 10.10
Treatment options with targeted therapy for metastatic Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Christian Britschgi

10.10 – 10.30
Limitations of robot-assisted radical nephroureterectomy in advanced Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Geert De Naeyer

10.30 – 11.00

11.0 – 11.25
How to improve outcome in nephron sparing kidney surgery?
Yves Wyss

11.25 – 11.45
Da Vinci Xi, da Vinci SP, Hugo or Dexter: who will prevail in urology?
Jörn Witt

11.45 – 11.55
Wrap up and synopsis
Hubert John

Course director

Prof. Dr. med. Hubert John
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland

Surgeons / Speakers

Dr. Geert De Naeyer, MD
OLV Ziekenhuis, Aalst, Belgium

Dr. med. Georg Schön
Urologie Planegg, München, Germany

PD Dr. med. Jörn Witt
Urokompetenz, Düsseldorf, Germany

PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Christian Britschgi
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland

Dr. med. Yves Wyss
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland


Dr. med. Nadim Abo Youssef
Klinik für Urologie
+41 (0)52 266 29 82


Kantonsspital Winterthur
Brauerstrasse 15
8400 Winterthur


SGU: 12 credits


English / German



Registration fee

CHF 300


Please register for the event using the following form. The number of places on site is limited.

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