Chefarzt Medizinische Onkologie,
speziell Brust- und Gynäkologische Onkologie
Klinik für Medizinische Onkologie und Hämatologie
Leiter Brustzentrum

Facharzt für Medizinische Onkologie und Innere Medizin
Facharzt für Medizinische Onkologie
Facharzt für Innere Medizin
1987 – 1988
Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich
Prof. M. Knoblauch, Männedorf
„Die Wirkung des Prostaglandin-E1-Analogons Misoprostol auf die Mikrozirkulation der Dünndarmmukosa. Eine mögliche Erklärung für seinen zytoprotektiven Effekt?“
1980 – 1986
Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich
seit 2015
Medizinische Onkologie,
speziell Brust- und Gynäkologische Onkologie
Klinik für Medizinische Onkologie und Hämatologie
Leiter Brustzentrum
Kantonsspital Winterthur
2008 – 2015
Leitender Arzt
Medizinische Onkologie
Schwerpunkt Mamma-Karzinom, Gynäkologische Tumoren
Kantonsspital Winterthur
PD Dr. M. Pless
2006 – 2008
Medizinische Onkologie
Kantonsspital Winterthur
PD Dr. M. Pless
2005 – 2006
Gynäkologische Onkologie
Senologiezentrum Ostschweiz
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Prof. B. Thürlimann
2004 – 2005
Medizinische Onkologie
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Prof. T. Cerny
2002 – 2003
Gynäkologische Onkologie
Senologiezentrum Ostschweiz
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
PD Dr. B. Thürlimann
2000 – 2002
Medizinische Onkologie
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Prof. T. Cerny
1995 – 1999
Schwerpunkt Infektiologie
Medizinische Klinik
Kantonsspital Winterthur
Prof. A. Hany und PD Dr. P.E. Ballmer
Volontariat (1 Monat)
Kantonsspital Basel
Prof. W. Zimmerli
1993 – 1995
Innere Medizin
Kantonsspital Basel
Medizinische Klinik B
Prof. L. Dettli und Prof. J. Schifferli
(davon 0,5 Jahre Medizinische Onkologie, Prof. R. Herrmann
und 0,5 Jahre Intensivmedizin, Prof. R. Ritz)
Innere Medizin
spez. Pneumologie
Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald
Dr. O. Brändli
1989 – 1991
Innere Medizin
Kreisspital Rüti ZH
Dr. A. Frei
1988 – 1989
Spital Wattwil SG
Dr. U. Gasser
2017 – 2023
Projektgruppe Brustkrebs
SAKK Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Krebsforschung
Berufliche Mitgliedschaften
- FMH Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft
- SGMO Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Onkologie
- SGS Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Senologie
- ESMO European Society of Medical Oncology
- ESGO European Society of Gynecologic Oncology
- ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology
- A. Müller.
Aktive Impfung gegen die Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis (FSME).
Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1998; 128: 1110-6. - B. Lämmli, A. Müller, P.E. Ballmer.
Spätfolgen nach Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis.
Schweiz Med Wochenschr 2000; 130: 909-15. - T. Ruhstaller, A. Müller, T. Cerny.
Systemic Rituximab: Effective Treatment for CNS Involvement by Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Montreux-Meeting 2001: MabThera, Present & Future, Poster - B. Thürlimann, A. Müller, H.-J. Senn.
Management of Primary Breast Cancer: An Update.
Onkologie 2004; 27:175–179. - A. Müller.
Mammakarzinom adjuvant: Aromatasehemmer für alle?
Medizin Spektrum 2005; Nr. 2: 10-13 - T Ruhstaller T, A Mueller, D Koeberle, B Thuerlimann.
Is There Really Enough Evidence to Abandon Surgery After Radiation Chemotherapy in Esophageal Cancer?
J Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 8547-8 - B. Klaeser, O. Wiederkehr, D. Koeberle, A. Mueller, B. Bubeck, B. Thuerlimann.
Therapeutic impact of 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-Dglucose positron emission tomography in the pre- and postoperative staging of patients with clinically intermediate or high-risk breast cancer.
Ann Oncol 2007; 18: 1329-43. - Maile S., Semadeni G.M., Imoberdorf R., Dommann-Scherrer C., Müller A.
A rare manifestation of malignant lymphoma.
Forum Med Suisse 2008; 8 :(Suppl. 40) 48S - H. Hawle, D. Hess, A. Mueller, B. Thuerlimann.
Low-Dose Fulvestrant Maintained Long-Term Complete Remission after Poor Response to Previous Endocrine Therapies in a Patient with Advanced Breast Cancer.
Case Rep Oncol 2010; 3:131-136 (DOI: 10.1159/000313838) - B. Thürlimann, C. Rochlitz, S. Aebi, U. Güth, R. von Moos, A. Müller, L. von Rohr, M. Baumann, J. Huober.
Trastuzumab Treatment Beyond Progression in Metastatic Breast Cancer: Patterns of Care in Swiss Clinical Practice.
J Clin Oncol 28:7s, 2010 (suppl; abstr 1146) - C. Rochlitz, T. Ruhstaller, S. Lerch, C. Spirig, J. Huober, T. Suter, M. Bühlmann, M. Fehr, A. Schönenberger, R. von Moos, R. Winterhalder, D. Rauch, A. Müller, M. Mannhart-Harms, R. Herrmann, B. Cliffe, M. Mayer, K. Zaman.
Combination of bevacizumab and 2-weekly pegylated liposomal doxorubicin as first-line therapy for locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer. A multicenter, single-arm phase II trial (SAKK 24/06).
Ann Oncol 2011; 22: 80-85 - Huober J., Baumann M., Rochlitz C., Aebi S., Güth U., von Moos R., Müller A., von Rohr L., Widmer I., Thürlimann B.
Trastuzumab Treatment beyond Progression in Advanced Breast Cancer: Patterns of Care in Six Swiss Breast Cancer Centers.
Oncology 2011; 81: 160-6 - T. Ruhstaller, K. Ribi, H. Sun, S.-F. Schmitz, M. Borner, A. Winkler, A. Mueller, Lukas von Rohr, R. C. Winterhalder, C. Rochlitz, R. Von Moos, S. Anchisi, C. B. Caspar, K. Zaman, A. Bodmer, M. Beyeler, S. Berardi, B. J. K. Thurlimann, A. Templeton.
Prevention of palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE) with an antiperspirant in breast cancer patients treated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD), a placebo-controlled, double blinded, phase lll trial (SAKK 92/08).
J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr 9059) - Betticher DC, Delmore G, Breitenstein U, Anchisi S, Zimmerli-Schwab B, Müller A, von Moos R, Hügli-Dayer AM, Schefer H, Bodenmann S, Bühler V, Trueb RR.
Efficacy and tolerability of two scalp cooling systems for the prevention of alopecia associated with docetaxel treatment.
Support Care Cancer. 2013; 21:2565–2573 - Khalil Zaman, Ralph Winterhalder, Christoph Mamot, Ursula Hasler-Strub, Christoph Rochlitz, Andreas Mueller, Catherine Berset, Hans Wiliders, Lucien Perey, Christine Biaggi Rudolf, Stephanie Rondeau, Patrick Neven, on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)
Fulvestrant with or without selumetinib, a MEK 1/2 inhibitor, in advanced stage breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI): a multicenter randomized placebo-controlled double-blind phase II trial, SAKK 21/08
Cancer Res 2013;73(24 Suppl.):Abstract 485 - Christoph Rochlitz, Roger von Moos, Martin Bigler, Khalil Zaman, Sandro Anchisi, Marc Küng, Kyung Jae Na, Daniela Baertschi, Markus M. Borner, Tamara Rordorf, Daniel Rauch, Andreas Mueller, Thomas Ruhstaller, Marcus Vetter, Juerg Bernhard, Andreas Trojan, Ursula Hasler-Strub, Richard Cathomas, Ralph C. Winterhalder:
SAKK 24/09: Safety and tolerability of bevacizumab plus Paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus metronomic cyclophosphamide and capecitabine as first-line therapy in patients with HER2-negative advanced stage breast cancer. a multicenter, randomized phase III trial.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting. Vol 32, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement): 518, Abstract #130871 - Arnoud J. Templeton, Karin Ribi, Christian Surber, Hong Sun, Shu-Fang Hsu Schmitz, Michael Beyeler, Daniel Dietrich, Markus Borner, Annette Winkler, Andreas Müller, Lukas von Rohr, Ralph C. Winterhalder, Christoph Rochlitz, Roger von Moos, Khalil Zaman, Beat J.K. Thürlimann, Thomas Ruhstaller, on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).:
Prevention of palmarplantar erythrodysesthesia with an antiperspirant in breast cancer patients treated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (SAKK 92/08).
The Breast 2014; 23: 244-9 - Klazien Matter-Walstra, Martin Bigler, Matthias Schwenkglenks, Daniela Bärtschi, Jörg Brechbühl, Ursula Hasler-Strub, Roger von Moos, Andreas Müller, Ralph Winterhalder, Christoph Rochlitz, on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).
Health economic evaluation of the SAKK Trial 24/09: Safety and tolerability of bevacizumab plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus metronomic cyclophosphamide and capecitabine as first-line therapy in patients with HER2-negative advanced stage breast cancer. A multicenter, randomized phase III trial.
Cancer Res 2014; 74: Suppl. Abstract #P1-10-06 - Zaman K, Winterhalder R, Mamot C, Hasler-Strub U, Rochlitz C, Mueller A, Berset C, Wiliders H, Perey L, Rudolf CB, Hawle H, Rondeau S, Neven P.
Fulvestrant with or without selumetinib, a MEK 1/2 inhibitor, in breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor therapy: A multicentre randomised placebo-controlled double-blind phase II trial, SAKK 21/08.
Eur J Cancer. 2015 Apr 16. - B.C. Pestalozzi, C. Tausch, K.J. Dedes, C. Rochlitz, S. Zimmermann, R. Von Moos, R.C. Winterhalder, T. Ruhstaller, A. Mueller, K.S. Buser, M.M. Borner, U. Novak, C. Uhlmann Nussbaum, B. Seifert, M. Bigler, V. Bize, S. Berardi Vilei, C. Rageth, S.P. Aebi:
Adjuvant treatment recommendations for ER+ early breast cancer patients by Swiss tumor boards (SAKK 26/10);
ECCO 2015, Abstract # 1943, Poster #132 - R. Jaggi, Z. Varga, M. Bigler, V. Bize, M. Bustamante Eduardo, S. Berardi, F. Chiesa, K.J. Dedes, A. Müller, C. Tausch, M. Vetter, R. Von Moos, R.C. Winterhalder, S. Zimmermann, B. Pestalozzi, S. Aebi:
A correlative study of Ki67 and two multigene RNA expression signatures in operable ER-positive postmenopausal breast cancer (SAKK 26/10);
ECCO 2015, Abstract # 1971, Poster #160 - Christoph Rochlitz, Martin Bigler, Roger von Moos, Jürg Bernhard, Klazien Matter-Walstra, Andreas Wicki, Khalil Zaman, Sandro Anchisi, Marc Küng, Kyung-Jae Na, Daniela Bärtschi, Markus Borner, Tamara Rordorf, Daniel Rauch, Andreas Müller, Thomas Ruhstaller, Marcus Vetter, Andreas Trojan, Ursula Hasler-Strub, Richard Cathomas, Ralph Winterhalder on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK):
SAKK 24/09: safety and tolerability of bevacizumab plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus metronomic cyclophosphamide and capecitabine as first-line therapy in patients with HER2-negative advanced stage breast cancer -a multicenter, randomized phase III trial.
BMC Cancer (2016) 16:780 - Bernhard C. Pestalozzi, Christoph Tausch, Konstantin J. Dedes, Christoph Rochlitz, Stefan Zimmermann, Roger von Moos, Ralph Winterhalder, Thomas Ruhstaller, Andreas Mueller, Katharina Buser, Markus Borner, Urban Novak, Catrina Uhlmann Nussbaum, Bettina Seifert, Martin Bigler, Vincent Bize, Simona Berardi Vilei, Christoph Rageth, Stefan Aebi and The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK):
Adjuvant treatment recommendations for patients with ER-positive/HER2-negative early breast cancer by Swiss tumor boards using the 21-gene recurrence score (SAKK 26/10)
BMC Cancer (2017) 17:265; doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3261-1 - Vogt Lena, Rühlin Maya, Müller Andreas, Ballmer Peter:
Ernährung in der Prävention und unter Chemotherapie – was hilft der Patientin bei Brustkrebs?
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2017; 77:952-955 - A Müller, AJ Templeton, S Hayoz, H Hawle, U Hasler-Strub, M Schwitter, BC Pestalozzi, O Pagani, P Bützberger, T Wehrhahn, D Rauch, R Inauen, D Betticher, K Zaman, A Bodmer, RA Popescu, S Rothschild, J Schardt, M Borner, A Fuhrer, C Schär, S Gillessen, R von Moos, and For the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK):
Incidence of hypocalcemia in patients with metastatic breast cancer under treatment with denosumab: A non-inferiority phase III trial assessing prevention of symptomatic skeletal events (SSE) with denosumab administered every 4 weeks versus every 12 weeks: SAKK 96/12 (REDUSE).
Cancer Res February 15 2019 79 (4 Supplement) P1-18-01-P1-18-01; DOI:10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS18-P1-18-01 - E.M. Biskup, C. Montavon Sartorius, A. Müller, C. Leo, C. Uhlmann Nussbaum, D. Koychev, A. Schreiber, C. Taverna, D. Thorn, M. Vetter:
Pertuzumab as ≥2nd-line Therapy for Her2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: Swiss Clinical Experience.
Annals of Oncology (2019) 30 (suppl_3): iii47-iii64. 10.1093/annonc/mdz100 - A. Müller
Neues zum Mammakarzinom
Leading Opinions Hämatologie/Onkologie, 2019:6;80-82 - M.H.F. Vetter, K. Rothgiesser, Q. Li, H. Hawle, W. Schönfeld, K. Ribi, S. Riniker, R. von Moos, A. Müller, B. Thürlimann.
SAKK 21/12: A stratified, multicenter phase II trial of transdermal CR1447 in endocrine responsive-HER2 negative and triple negative-androgen receptor positive metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer.
Annals of Oncology Volume 30, Supplement 3, May 2019, Page iii52, 163P - U. Hasler-Strub, A. Mueller, Q. Li, B.J.K. Thuerlimann, S. Gerber, R. von Moos, M. Fehr, C. Rochlitz, K. Zaman, S. Aebi, A.M. Hochstrasser, U. Gick, K. Ribi, D. Baertschi, S. Greuter, A. Schreiber, C.B. Caspar, A. Trojan, R. Condorelli, T. Ruhstaller.
Optimal dose of eribulin as first line treatment in elderly patients > 70 years with advanced breast cancer: A multicenter phase II trial [SAKK 25/14].
Annals of Oncology Volume 31, Supplement 4, September 2020, Page S385, 345P - M. Schwitter, K. Zaman, G. Jerusalem, M. Cazzaniga, D. Egle, R. Greil, U. Hasler-Strub, A. Mueller, C. Uhlmann Nussbaum, A. Auteri, K. Rothgiesser, D. Dietrich, T. Ruhstaller.
Ribociclib-endocrine therapy (ET) combination versus chemotherapy as 1st line treatment in patients (pts) with visceral metastatic breast cancer (BC). A multicenter, randomized phase III trial: SAKK 21/18
Poster OT-37-01: SABCS 2020 - Viola A. Heinzelmann-Schwarz, Christian Kurzeder, Seraina Schmid, Natalie Gabriel, Andreas Mueller, Mathias Konrad Fehr, Christian Marth, Andreas Du Bois, and Maximillian Klar ENGOT-ov54/Swiss-GO-2/MATAO including LOGOS (Low-Grade Ovarian cancer Sub-study):
MAintenance Therapy with Aromatase inhibitor in epithelial Ovarian cancer—A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter phase III Trial.
ASCO Annual Meeting 2021, TPS5598; doi/10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.TPS5598 - Vetter M, Rothgiesser KM, Li Q, Hawle H, Schönfeld W, Ribi K, Riniker S, von Moos R, Trojan A, Kralidis E, Fehr M, Müller A, Thürlimann B; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).
SAKK 21/12: a phase II trial of transdermal CR1447 in breast cancer patients
Endocr Oncol 2022 Feb 10;2(1):9-18. doi: 10.1530/EO-21-0009. - F. Honecker, A. Müller, S. Schär, L. Rosset, M.N. Corke, M. Schwitter, U. Güth, A. Jakob, C. Balmelli-Cattelan, C. Leo, M. Fehr, D.R. Thorn, S. Riniker, A. Chouiter-Djebaili, J. Musilova, K. Ribi, N. Hoefnagels, PG Breast Cancer SAKK
Effect of a 24 week home-based walking program on the incidence of aromatase inhibitor induced musculoskeletal pain: The WISE prospective, randomized, multicenter trial [SAKK 95/17]
European Journal of Cancer Volume 175, Supplement 1, November 2022, Pages S43-S44 - Matti Aapro, Fatima Cardoso, Giuseppe Curigliano, Alexandru Eniu, Joseph Gligorov, Nadia Harbeck, Andreas Mueller, Olivia Pagani, Shani Paluch-Shimon, Elzbieta Senkus, Beat Thürlimann, Khalil Zaman.
Current challenges and unmet needs in treating patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive advanced breast cancer.
Breast 2022 Dec:66:145-156.
doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2022.07.011. - Hasler-Strub U, Mueller A, Li Q, Thuerlimann B, Ribi K, Gerber S, von Moos R, Fehr M, Rochlitz C, Zaman K, Aebi S, Hochstrasser A, Gick U, Baertschi D, Greuter S, Schreiber A, Caspar CB, Trojan A, Condorelli R, Ruhstaller T; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).
Eribulin as first-line treatment in older patients with advanced breast cancer: A multicenter phase II trial [SAKK 25/14]
J Geriatr Oncol 2023 Jan;14(1):101372. doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2022.09.001. - N. Hoefnagels, A. Gautier, A. Müller, S. Schär, L. Rosset, N. Corke Mahbiz, M. Schwitter, U. Güth, A. Jakob, C. Balmelli-Cattelan, C. Leo, M. Fehr, D.R. Thorn, S. Riniker, A. Chouiter-Djebaili, J. Musilova, and F. Honecker
Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in Switzerland on physical activity in patients with early breast cancer under aromatase-inhibitor therapy. A subanalysis of the SAKK 95/17 WISE trial
Breast 2023 Apr; 68: S122–S123. doi: 10.1016/S0960-9776(23)00386-7 - Biskup E, Sartorius CM, Müller A, Leo C, Nussbaum CU, Georgescu Margarint EL, Koychev D, Schreiber A, Taverna C, Thorn D, Vetter M.
Pertuzumab as second‑ or later‑line therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2‑positive metastatic breast cancer: A clinical experience.
Mol Clin Oncol 2023 May 18;19(1):52. doi: 10.3892/mco.2023.2648. - Tausch C, Däster K, Hayoz S, Matrai Z, Fitzal F, Henke G, Zwahlen DR, Gruber G, Zimmermann F, Andreozzi M, Goldschmidt M, Schulz A, Maggi N, Saccilotto R, Heidinger M, Mueller A, Tampaki EC, Bjelic-Radisic V, Sávolt Á, Smanykó V, Hagen D, Müller DJ, Gnant M, Loibl S, Markellou P, Bekes I, Egle D, Ruhstaller T, Muenst S, Kuemmel S, Vrieling C, Satler R, Becciolini C, Bucher S, Kurzeder C, Simonson C, Fehr PM, Gabriel N, Maráz R, Sarlos D, Dedes KJ, Leo C, Berclaz G, Fansa H, Hager C, Reisenberger K, Singer CF, Montagna G, Reitsamer R, Winkler J, Lam GT, Fehr MK, Naydina T, Kohlik M, Clerc K, Ostapenko V, Lelièvre L, Heil J, Knauer M, Weber WP.
Trends in use of neoadjuvant systemic therapy in patients with clinically node-positive breast cancer in Europe: prospective TAXIS study (OPBC-03, SAKK 23/16, IBCSG 57-18, ABCSG-53, GBG 101)
Breast Cancer Res Treat 2023 Sep;201(2):215-225; doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-06999-9. - Weber WP, Matrai Z, Hayoz S, Tausch C, Henke G, Zimmermann F, Montagna G, Fitzal F, Gnant M, Ruhstaller T, Muenst S, Mueller A, Lelièvre L, Heil J, Knauer M, Egle D, Sávolt Á, Heidinger M, Kurzeder C; TAXIS Study Writing Group; Zwahlen DR, Gruber G, Ackerknecht M, Kuemmel S, Bjelic-Radisic V, Smanykó V, Vrieling C, Satler R, Hagen D, Becciolini C, Bucher S, Simonson C, Fehr PM, Gabriel N, Maráz R, Sarlos D, Dedes KJ, Leo C, Berclaz G, Fansa H, Hager C, Reisenberger K, Singer CF, Loibl S, Winkler J, Lam GT, Fehr MK, Kohlik M, Clerc K, Ostapenko V, Maggi N, Schulz A, Andreozzi M, Goldschmidt M, Saccilotto R, Markellou P.
Association of Axillary Dissection With Systemic Therapy in Patients With Clinically Node-Positive Breast Cancer
JAMA Surg 2023 Oct 1;158(10):1013-1021. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2023.2840. - Huober J, Weder P, Ribi K, Thürlimann B, Thery JC, Li Q, Vanlemmens L, Guiu S, Brain E, Grenier J, Dalenc F, Levy C, Savoye AM, Müller A, Membrez-Antonioli V, Gérard MA, Lemonnier J, Hawle H, Dietrich D, Boven E, Bonnefoi H; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research, Unicancer Breast Group, and Dutch Breast Cancer Research Group.
Pertuzumab Plus Trastuzumab With or Without Chemotherapy Followed by Emtansine in ERBB2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Oncol 2023 Oct 1;9(10):1381-1389. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.2909. - Weber WP, Heidinger M, Hayoz S, Matrai Z, Tausch C, Henke G, Zwahlen DR, Gruber G, Zimmermann F, Montagna G, Andreozzi M, Goldschmidt M, Schulz A, Mueller A, Ackerknecht M, Tampaki EC, Bjelic-Radisic V, Kurzeder C, Sávolt Á, Smanykó V, Hagen D, Müller DJ, Gnant M, Loibl S, Fitzal F, Markellou P, Bekes I, Egle D, Heil J, Knauer M.
Impact of Imaging-Guided Localization on Performance of Tailored Axillary Surgery in Patients with Clinically Node-Positive Breast Cancer: Prospective Cohort Study Within TAXIS (OPBC-03, SAKK 23/16, IBCSG 57-18, ABCSG-53, GBG 101)
Ann Surg Oncol 2024 Jan;31(1):344-355. doi: 10.1245/s10434-023-14404-4. - Marcus Vetter; Holer Lisa; Karin Rothgiesser; Wolfgang Schönfeld; Salome Riniker; Roger von Moos; Andreas Trojan; Elena Kralidis; Manuela Rabaglio; Mathias K. Fehr; Andreas Müller; Beat Thürlimann
Final Overall Survival (OS) analysis of the SAKK 21/12 trial. CR1447 in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer and androgen receptor positive triple negative breast cancer
Cancer Res (2024) 84 (9_Supplement): PS15-08.; - Walter Paul Weber, Zoltan Matrai, Stefanie Hayoz, Christoph Tausch, Guido Henke, Frank Zimmermann, Giacomo Montagna, Florian Fitzal, Michael Gnant, Thomas Ruhstaller, Simone Muenst, Andreas Mueller, Loïc Lelièvre, Jörg Heil, Christian Kurzeder, Daniel Egle, Ákos Sávolt, Martin Heidinger, and Michael Knauer
Tailored axillary surgery with or without axillary lymph node dissection followed by radiotherapy in patients with clinically node-positive breast cancer (OPBC-03/SAKK 23/16/IBCSG 57-18/ABCSG-53/GBG-101-TAXIS).
ASCO Annual Meeting 2024; TPS611: - Roger Anton Fredy Von Moos, Andreas Mueller, Stefanie Hayoz, Michael Thomas Mark, Stefanie Fischer, Razvan A. Popescu, Mathias Konrad Fehr, Claudine Egger, Sandro Anchisi, Florian Schmid, Khalil Zaman, Christoph J Ackermann, Alexander Schreiber, Priska Bützberger, Catrina Uhlmann Nussbaum, Marc Küng, Corinne Schaer, Silke Gillessen, Arnoud J. Templeton
Incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in the randomized non-inferiority phase III trial SAKK 96/12 REDUSE comparing denosumab (DN) administered every 4 weeks (q4w) versus every 12 weeks (q12w).
ASCO Annual Meeting 2024; #12067. Journal of Clinical Oncology Volume 42, Number 16_supp doi/10.1200/JCO.2024.42.16_suppl.12067