Leitender Arzt
Klinik für Urologie
Co-Leiter Beckenbodenzentrum

Facharzt für Urologie
Speziell Neuro-Urologie
seit 04/2020
Leitender Arzt
Klinik für Urologie
Kantonsspital Winterthur
(Prof. Dr. med. H. John)
04/2019 – 03/2020
Oberarzt Neuro-Urologie
Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Balgrist
(Prof. Dr. T. Kessler)
8/2017 – 3/2019
Clinical & Research Fellow
Uro-Gynaecology & Uro-Neurology
University College Hospital &
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
London, U.K.
(Ms. Sohier Elneil, PhD; Dr. Jalesh N. Panicker)
1/2016 – 7/2017
Oberarzt und Research Fellow
Zentrum für Paraplegie
Universitätsklinik Balgrist
(PD Dr. T. Kessler)
7/2014 – 12/2015
Klinik für Urologie
Kantonsspital Winterthur
(Prof. Dr. med. H. John)
4/2014 – 6/2014
Klinik für Urologie
Universitätsspital Zürich
(Prof. Dr. med. T. Sulser)
4/2013 – 3/2014
Oberarzt i. V.
Klinik für Urologie
Stadtspital Triemli
(PD Dr. med. M. Müntener)
7/2010 – 3/2013
Klinik für Urologie
Universitätsspital Zürich
(Prof. Dr. med. T. Sulser)
4/2008 – 4/2010
Chirurgische Kliniken
Stadtspital Triemli
(Prof. Dr. med. U. Metzger)
European Urology Association (EAU)
Chronic pelvic pain Guidelines Associate
Careum Aarau
12/2012 – 12/2015
Höhere Fachschule für Operationstechnik
CAREUM Bildungszentrum Zürich
Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und akademische Laufbahn
Schwerpunkt Neuro-Urologie
GMC Zertifizierung (Urology)
Registration Number 7544571
Facharzt für Urologie (FMH Urologie)
Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU)
Promotion zum Doktor der Medizin
Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich
Universität Zürich
Research Assistant
Institut für Physiologie
Medizinischen Fakultät
Universität Zürich
Medizinischen Fakultät
Universität Zürich
- American Association of Urology (AUA)
- Croatian Medical Board (HLZ)
- Croatian Urology Association (HDU)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)
- European Association of Urology (EAU)
- International Continence Society (ICS)
- International Neuro-Urology Society (INUS)
- International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Urologie (SGU)
- Swiss Society for Sacral Neuromodulation (SSSNM)
- Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in the First Year After Spinal Cord Injury: A Descriptive Study of Urodynamic Findings.
Kozomara M, Birkhäuser V, Anderson CE, Bywater M, Gross O, Kiss S, Knüpfer SC, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Sadri H, Sammer U, Stächele L, Tornic J, Brinkhof MWG, Liechti MD, Kessler TM.
J Urol. 2023 Jan;209(1):225-232. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000003021. Epub 2022 Oct 20. - Temporal development of unfavourable urodynamic parameters during the first year after spinal cord injury.
Anderson CE, Kozomara M, Birkhäuser V, Bywater M, Gross O, Kiss S, Knüpfer SC, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Sadri H, Sammer U, Stächele L, Tornic J, Liechti MD, Brinkhof MWG, Kessler TM.
BJU Int. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/bju.15918. Online ahead of print. - Myofascial Pelvic Pain: Best Orientation and Clinical Practice. Position of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Chronic Pelvic Pain.
Abreu-Mendes P, Baranowski AP, Berghmans B, Borovicka J, Cottrell AM, Dinis-Oliveira P, Elneil S, Hughes J, Messelink BEJ, Tidman V, Pinto R, Tornic J, Flink I, Parsons BA, Zumstein V, Engeler DS.
Eur Urol Focus. 2023 Jan;9(1):172-177. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2022.07.007. Epub 2022 Aug 6. - Sacral Neuromodulation for Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction.
Martina DL, van der Lely S, Knüpfer SC, Abt D, Kiss B, Leitner L, Mordasini L, Tornic J, Wöllner J, Mehnert U, Bachmann, LM, Burkhard FC, Engeler DS, Pannek J, Kessler TM.
NEJM Evid 2022; 1 (11). doi: 10.1056/EVIDoa2200071. - Harnreflux bei neurogenen und nichtneurogenen Harnblasenfunktionsstörungen.
Tornic J.
Urologie in der Praxis Volume 23 (2021), pages 84–87. - Neuromodulation zur Behandlung von Harnblasenfunktionsstörungen.
Tornic J.
Urologie in der Praxis Volume 22 (2020), pages 49–56. - Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction: a pilot study for an international multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Tornic J, Liechti MD, Stalder SA, Birkhäuser V, Van der Lely S, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Kessler TM.
Eur Urol Focus. 2020 Sep 15;6(5):909-915. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2019.11.008. Epub 2019 Dec 4. - The Challenge of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections in Patients with Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction.
Tornic J, Wöllner J, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Bachmann LM, Kessler TM.
J Urol. 2020 Mar;203(3):579-584. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000000555. Epub 2019 Sep 17. - Urethral pressure profile assessment after artificial urinary sphincter implantation (FlowSecure™ and AMS-800™): A case series.
Haab A, Tornic J, John HA.
SAGE Open Med Case Rep. 2019 May 23;7:2050313X19851379. doi: 10.1177/2050313X19851379. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31205716. - Alpha-blockers for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. A report from the Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS).
Schneider MP, Tornic J, Sykora R, Youssef NA, Mordasini L, Krhut J, Chartier-Kastler E, Davies M, Gajewski J, Schurch B, Bachmann LM, Kessler TM.
Neurourol Urodyn 2019;1-10. Doi: 10.1002/nau.24039 - The Management of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis.
Tornic J, Panicker JN.
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2018 Jun 28;18(8):54. doi: 10.1007/s11910-018-0857-z. Review. PMID: 29956001 Free PMC Article. - Catheterization for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. A report from the Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS).
Tornic J, Sartori AM, Gajewski JB, Cox A, Schneider MP, Youssef NA, Mordasini L, Chartier-Kastler E, Bachmann LM, Kessler TM.
Neurourol Urodyn. 2018 Nov;37(8):2315-2322. doi: 10.1002/nau.23733. Epub 2018 Jun 19. Review. - Detrusor Acontractility after Acute Spinal Cord Injury-Myth or Reality?
Bywater M, Tornic J, Mehnert U, Kessler TM.
J Urol. 2018 Jun;199(6):1565-1570. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2018.01.046. Epub 2018 Jan 17. PMID: 29352989 - Antibiotic prophylaxis may not be necessary in patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria undergoing intradetrusor onabotulinumtoxinA injections for neurogenic detrusor overactivity.
Leitner L, Sammer U, Walter M, Knupfer SC, Schneider MP, Seifert B, Tornic J, Mehnert U, Kessler TM.
Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 12;6:33197. - More Than 15 Years of Experience with Intraserous OnabotulinumtoxinA Injections for Treating Refractory Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: Lessons to Be Learned.
Leitner L, Guggenbuhl-Roy S, Knupfer SC, Walter M, Schneider MP, Tornic J, Sammer U, Mehnert U, Kessler TM.
Eur Urol. 2016 Sep;70(3):522-8. - Postoperative Nachsorge und „Watchful Waiting“ beim Prostatakarzinom.
Tornic J.
J Urol Urogynäkol 2015 Jan; 17(1):24-26. - Severe mitral regurgitation in an adult patient with cor triatriatum.
Tornic J, Jarrett C, Shiota T, Gillinov AM, Mihaljevic T.
J Heart Valve Dis. 2011 Mar;20(2):234-6. - Acute lung injury: apoptosis in effector and target cells of the upper and lower airway compartment.
Z’graggen BR, Tornic J, Müller-Edenborn B, Reyes L, Booy C, Beck-Schimmer B.
Clin Exp Immunol. 2010 Aug;161(2):324-31. - Sleep patterns in high school and university students: a longitudinal study.
Urner M, Tornic J, Bloch KE.
Chronobiol Int. 2009 Aug;26(6):1222-34.