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Dr. med. Mark Wiese

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Leitender Arzt
Klinik für Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie


Facharzt für Chirurgie
Facharzt für Thoraxchirurgie

Icon Viszeral Thoraxchirurgie Ksw
Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie
Wir behandeln Erkrankungen und Verletzungen der inneren Organe im Bereich des Bauch- und Brustraumes.
Mehr erfahren

Beruflicher Werdegang

01/2016 – 07/2024
Stv. Chefarzt
Universitätsspital Basel

10/2010 – 12/2015
Universitätsspital Basel

01/2009 – 10/2010
Departement Chirurgie
Kantonsspital Zug

07/2008 – 12/2008
Kantonsspital Luzern

04/2008 – 06/2008
Kantonsspital Luzern

01/2008 – 03/2008
Kantonsspital Luzern

01/2007 – 12/2007
Kantonsspital Luzern

07/2006 – 12/2006
Chirurgische Notfallstation
Kantonsspital Luzern


FMH-Facharztprüfung für Chirurgie

FMH-Facharztprüfung für Thoraxchirurgie


  • FMH Swiss Medical Association
  • SGC Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
  • SCS Swiss College of Surgeons
  • SGT Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie
  • BEXMED Deutsche Gesellschaft für Berg- und Expeditionsmedizin e.V.
  • ESTS European Society of Thoracic Surgery

Publikationen (peer reviewed original Artikel)

Extraction and amplification of authentic DNA from ancient human remains.
Meyer E, Wiese M, Bruchhaus H, Claussen M, Klein A
Forensic Sci Int. 2000; 113: 87-90.

Learning curve for Lichtenstein hernioplasty
Wiese M, Kaufmann T, Metzger
J, et al Dovepress 2010:3; 43 – 46

Preoperative staging of non-small-cell lung cancer: comparison of whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and (18) F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography
Sommer G, Wiese M, et al.
Eur Radiol. 2012 Jul 9.

An unexpected cause of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in a kidney transplant patient
M. Schlageter, Jahn KD, Tzankov A, Wiese M, Bubendorf L, Tamm M, Savic S,
Respiration. 2014;87(6):504-7

Functional results after chest wall stabilization with a new screwless fixation device
Wiese M et al
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 May; 47(5):868-75

An unexpected cause for cavitary pneumonia and empyema.
Bloch-Infanger C, Furrer K, Wiese M, Hiebinger A, Bucher S, Hinić V, Goldenberger D
Infection. 2016 Aug;44(4):539-4

Unexpected collateral impact after out of hospital resuscitation using LUCAS system.
Shahinian JH, Quitt J, Wiese M, Eckstein F, Reuthebuch O
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017 Sep 7; 12(1):81

The T cell repertoire in tumors overlaps with pulmonary inflammatory lesions in patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors
Läubli H, Koelzer VH, Matter MS, Herzig P, Dolder Schlienger Wiese M, Lardinois D, Mertz KD, Zippelius A.
Oncoimmunology. 2017 Oct 26;7(2):e1386362

The spatial relationship between apparent diffusion coefficient and standardized uptake value of 18F-FDG has a crucial influence on the numeric correlation of both parameters in PET/MRI of lung tumors,
Sauter A, Lardinois D, Stieltjes B, Bremerich J, Sommer G, Wiese M, Weikert T, Wild D
Contrast Media Mol Imaging 2017 Dec 17;2017:8650853.
doi: 10.1155/2017/8650853. eCollection 2017 Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging

A transcriptionally and functionally distinct PD-1+ CD8+ T-cell pool with predeictive in Non-small lung cancer treated with PD-1 blockade
Thommen DS, Koelzer VH, Herzig P, Roller A, Trefny M, Dimelo S, Kiialainen A, Hanhart J, Schill C, Hess C, Savic P, Wiese M, Lardinois D, Ho PC, Klein C, Karanikas V, Mertz KD, Schumacher TN, Zippelius A.
Nat Med. 2018 Jul;24(7):994-1004

Signal enhancement ratio imaging of the lung parenchyma With ultra-fast steady-state free precession MRI at 1.5T.
Pusterla O, Sommer G, Santini F, Wiese M, Lardinois D, Tamm M, Bremerich J, Bauman G, Bieri O.J
Magn Reson Imaging. 2018 Jul;48(1):48-57.

Surgical Repair of the Postoperative Lung Hernia by Combining Mesh Interposition and Chest Wall Stabilization by Using Synthes Plates: A Novel Technique
Subotic D, Wiese M, Hojski A, Lardinois D
Case Rep Surg. 2019 Apr 7;2019:2107083

Use of staplers and adverse events in thoracic surgery.
Subotic D, Hojski A, Wiese M, Lardinois D
J Thorac Dis. 2019 May;11(Suppl 9):S1216-S1221.

Fibroblast activation protein-targeted-4-1BB ligand agonist amplifies effector functions of intratumoral T cells in human cancer.
Trüb M, Uhlenbrock F, Claus C, Herzig P, Thelen M, Bacac M, Amann M, Albrecht R, Ferrara-Koller C, Thommen D, Rothschild S, Savic Prince S, Mertz KD, Cathomas, Rosenberg R, Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, Wiese M, Lardinois, Umana P, Klein C, Laubli H, Kashyap AS, Zippelius A.
J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Jul;8(2):e000238

PD-1+ natural killer cells in human non-small cell lung cancer can be activated by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade.
Trefny MP, Kaiser M, Stanczak MA, Herzig P, Savic S, Wiese M, Lardinois D, Läubli H, Uhlenbrock F, Zippelius A.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2020 Aug;69(8):1505-1517

Reconstruction of the chest wall with a latissimus dorsi muscle flap after an infection of alloplastic material: a case report.
Borisov V, Stieltjes B, Wiese M, Lardinois D.J Surg
Case Rep. 2020 Aug 24;2020(8):rjaa213. doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjaa213. eCollection 2020 Aug.PMID: 3285579

Chest wall stabilization and rib fixation using a nitinol screwless system in selected patients after blunt trauma: long-term result in a single-centre experience
Hojski A, Xhambazi A, Wiese M, Subotic D, Bachmann H, Lardinois D
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2022 Feb 21;34(3):386-392

Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the postoperative follow-up in patients with stage I-III NSCLC: A retrospective single-institution study.
Kaumanns A, König D, Hojski A, Cattaneo M, Chirindel A, Wiese M, Tamm M, Lardinois D, Rothschild SI.
Lung Cancer. 2022 Nov;173:14-20. doi:10.1016/j.lungcan.2022.08.020. Epub 2022 Sep 6.PMID: 36108578

Deciphering molecular and cellular ex vivo responses to Bispecific antibodies PD1-TIM3 and PD1-LAG3 in human tumors
Natoli M, Hatje K, Gulati P, Junker F, Herzig P, Jiang Z, Davydov II, Germann M, Trüb M, Marbach D, Zwick A, Weber P, Seeber, Wiese M, Lardinois D, Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, Rosenberg R, Tietze L, Mertz KD, Umaña P, Klein C, Codarri-Deak L, Kao H, Zippelius A.
J Immunother Cancer. 2022 Nov;10

Neoveil versus TachoSil in the treatment of pulmonary air leak following open lung surgery: a prospective randomized trial
Bachmann H, Dackam SVC, Hojski A, Jankovic J, Vogt DR, Wiese MN, Lardinois D.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2022 Dec 2;63

Deletion of SNX9 alleviates CD8 T cell exhaustifor effective cellular cancer immunotherapy
M P Trefny , N Kirchhammer , P Auf der Maur , M Natoli , D Schmid , M Germann , L Rodriguez, P Herzig , J Lötscher , M Akrami , J C Stinchcombe , M A Stanczak , A Zingg,  M Buchi , J Roux , R Marone L Don , D Lardinois , M Wiese, L T Jeker, M Bentires-Alj , J Rossy , D S Thommen, G M Griffiths , H Läubli, C Hess, Alfred Zippelius Nat Commun 2023 Feb 2;14(1):86.


Diagnostic Imaging for Thoracic Surgery – A manual for surgeons and radiologist
Springer Verlag 2018 Ed.: M.Anzidei and M.Anile Chapter 8: p.: 147 -174 Staging of NSCLC
Mark Wiese and Gregor Sommer